Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tues. June 29, 2010

It is such a beautiful day outside today. Today is also the last day for this term. I have been studying for my Anatomy 3 1/2 hour exam. I am trying to keep positive attitude (besides saying that I'm positive I'm gonna fail). WooSawww.....I am so ready for a break from this term. I am really looking forward to next term with a software class and Diseases of the body. Should be interesting, I can do homework by watching Bones and House lol. Good luck and keep reaching for those degrees guys! Hope to see you down the road in other classes.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wed. Jun 16, 2010

Unit 9 WOW, another term has just flown by. This term has gotten a little difficult for me, but it's not over yet for me!!! I will finish my paper and it is going to be awesome!!! I just have to keep telling myself that. The kids have left for church camp so I am all alone and only my studies infront of me. Anyone know how to make the Digestive system interesting? LOL. Please let me know, I'm stuggling with that paper. My paper on the natural alternatives is comming along good. I do believe that it is going to be over what our requirment is; I'm glad I found enough information for my paper. I wish everyone luck in finalizing their papers and see you in seminar..wow our LAST seminar for this term.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010

Another beautiful day outside, even though it rained. It's a good day to sit outside and study. Today I took Hannah, my 12 yr old, to her eye appointment. Of course I took my A&P book with me so I can read up on the reproductive system for tonights seminar. The doctor knows that I always have my book with me. She kept asking questions about what my degree was going to be and when do I start the software classes (they are switching to a whole new software system and no one know it)....I MAY have a possible job when I get finished..WOOHOO. We will see, but I think that may have helped put a spark underneath me like I needed. Maybe my slump is over :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I just had to take the girls swimming yesterday! They had so much fun in the water and even found a friend to play with. Ashley left for church camp today, so spending time with my girls we just what I needed as a break from studies. I am getting too frustrated that I can not seem to stay focused since the girls have been out of school. I need to find another system that will work..because inbetween "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy" isn't working well. I know I'll figure it out again :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

What a beautiful day outside today. The heat is not so bad since we had another nice rain yesterday. I desided to take my studies outdoors today. A nice change of atmosphere to try and help those idea come to the surface. I love the sound of the birds chirping and watching the glider planes fly by (there is a small airport about 2 miles away). I could however do without the train track that is on the other side of the alley. lol. Today I am going to get my rough drafts going. The kids are now out of school, so a new routine is in order now....Today, my focus is the digestive system and my other paper is natural alternatives to household chemicals.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Starting on a new project can be difficult. After comming up with a topic there is research to be done. When taking notes I make sure that I write down my reference with it; I learned the hard way that this is a REAL good idea. After writing down serveral quotes and paraphrases, it is hard to remember where the information came from. I have tried to use different techniques for note taking, like bubbling, but I just can't seem to make it work for me. Making out an outline seems to really start to put the paper into perpective. Just like "drag and drop", I insert my notes into the outline. From this point I can see what topic in the outline needs more or less information inputted. When my outline is finished I can then write out a rough draft of the paper and the make any changes I need to the paper before the final draft.
Kaplan has influenced my like because I am finally getting to finish my college education that has been put off for too long. I am lucky, at the moment, to not be working and I can concontrate on my studies...and my family. I made that BIG step in changing my life. I AM going to have a CAREER, not just a JOB! I am not having any accidemic difficulties at the moment, but who knows what the next chapter/term may hold for me. I just keep positive and keep my goal insight.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tues. May 19, 2010

Hello Tuesday,
Starting to get into the groove of a routine. I am trying to make it to the park and walk around a couple laps. I love my Ipod! I found a wounderful feature called the Pedometer. As of right now, I am taking 4667 steps in 23 minutes; that is two laps around the Mt.Vernon City Park. As part of my routine, I am reading and spending an hour working on my final projects after I have taken my walk. Walking is good for a few reasons. To loose weight, tone the muscles and also the excercise gets the blood and endorphines flowing. It is good for the brain.